inferno de fccu

matthew williams

Aliases: the brother, need to glaze that honey bun

Gender: male

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: cock or strap, both is fine

Age: 26

Birthdate: july 1st, 1998

Occupation: barista

z důvodu nedostatku dostupných fotografií jednotlivce byla zahrnuta popisná část.
Height: 182cm
Build: stocky like his bro, but less built and a little softer. gains weight seasonally due to hibernation.
Skin Tone: average white person pink
Hair: dirty blond
Eyes: grey
Identifying Marks: slighty wavy hair (cute). taller than he seems because he slouches badly. blind without glasses

Appearance: looks fairly similar to his brother but was created with gentler hands. everything about him is soft and inviting and non-threatening. herbivore/prey coded. the rare adult man that you would 100% trust to babysit your children. krev a mliko but the boy version

Personality: unobtrusive and uniquely pleasant. it's kind of relaxing just to be in his presence. has a certain strong sad je ne sais quoi that really shows when he's in a bad mood. shy when not in customer service mode. really funny once you get past the shy. good at disappearing if need be.

Motivations: just to be comfortable...that's not too much to ask, is it?

Current Goal: either get promoted or get a job that allows him to move out of his childhood bedroom
Life Goal: own a house with a garden and live there with a person he likes

Best Quality: it's his sense of humor but you won't unlock that until later, so i'll just say he's really considerate.
Worst Quality: low self-esteem but conversely very stubborn.

Fears: it used to be insignificance, but he's made peace with that as of late, so now it's that his younger brother will try to move back in with him and mom.

Hobbies: baking (he's good at it), drawing (he's not that good at it but it's fun)
Talents: makes people feel comfortable. not sure if it counts but his hugs could turn jack frost into a dentist
Skills: de-escalation

Family: has a younger brother. parents divorced, but both still alive. dad is in prison. he lives with mom.

Best Friends: go social butterfly! his core friend group consists of lovino, toris, and liên. i do not know if they would get along if matthew wasn't there. he has satellite friends that show up due to being close to one of the trio, too.

Relationship Status: SINGLE
Significant Other: SEE ABOVE

Other Relationships: is aware of everyone in the social circles of his friends. knows kiku thru alf. is on speaking terms with the stalker and the stalker's friends. knows the shithouse.

Crush: he doesn't have one right now unless todd in the shadows counts

Source of Embarrassment: bedwetting until he was 13

Source of Pride: is more civilized than everyone else in his family because he grew up in a toronto boarding school instead of buttfuck nowhere white trash road

Favorite Band: drake/JB/the weeknd when hes feeling fun. otherwise listens to sloshy-core stuff like flatsound/CSH/bright eyes

Backstory: was born in celeryville, ohio, which is a real place. was always a polite "seen and not heard" type child, which means he was clearly a homo so he needed the belt. got sent to boarding school in toronto to scare him straight but it just made him even nicer. still in uni for a nothing bachelor of arts degree he keeps putting off. took mom's last name after the divorce.