inferno de fccu

francis bonnefoy

Aliases: france, sick fuck, never in a million years

Gender: male

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: freddie mercury-esque in that he can love a woman but he needs to fuck a man

Age: 35

Birthdate: july 14th, 1989

Occupation: wedding photographer

z důvodu nedostatku dostupných fotografií jednotlivce byla zahrnuta popisná část.
Height: 180cm
Build: pretty average. he's gotten a bit of a wine gut over the years that he does a lot of cardio to try and get rid of.
Skin Tone: white but tans seasonally
Hair: dirty blond with 'platinum' streaks that are actually just his grey hairs coming in. don't call them grey though, they're PLATINUM!
Eyes: blue
Identifying Marks: has the tip-of-chin version of a soul patch. even when he shaves, that part grows back before the five o'clock shadow hits. it's the two o'clock shadow patch.

Appearance: is notably stylish for a millenial. keeps his hair long and sometimes ties it back in a coffeeshop-frequenting artguy way. is conventionally good-looking, masculine with androgynous sensibilities, but there's an uncomfortable sad-mist in his eyes that's off-putting upon closer inspection.

Personality: is a hot-blooded hedonist who has difficulty confronting his own crippling sincerity of the heart. likes beautiful things and keeps them around for comfort. passionate in an enrique iglesias pingpong song sorta way. covers all his sentimentality up with cheap, dirty humor. nostalgia sometimes almost kills him.

Motivations: honestly it's true love, but he'll tell you it's 'art' or 'beauty' or 'sex' depending on the day.

Current Goal: hahaha.....don't ask because it's been the same for FIFTEEN YEARS and he will likely never achieve it.
Life Goal: see above, but with the addition of adopting children and retiring in his hometown on his parent's villa.

Best Quality: needlessly, thoughtlessly, self-sacrificingly loyal to the point of bull-headed stubbornness.
Worst Quality: is a coward. not just about matters of the heart, either.

Fears: that the rut he's been moving in for his entire adulthood is now too deep to crawl out of.

Hobbies: painting (goes to those nude art sketch things and makes a bunch of dirty ONHONHON jokes about it, but he actually takes it really seriously lol.) interior decorating, too.
Talents: is generally great with aesthetics. let him give you a makeover, he's reallllllly fucking good at it.
Skills: schmoozing (especially wrt older women)

Family: has a younger sister. his parents live in france and don't speak english.

Best Friends: arthur's his partner in crime for better or worse. gilbert is a hanger-on. he considers antonio a close friend, but he's NOT part of that man's inner circle lol.

Relationship Status: taken (heart is claimed)
Significant Other: SEE ABOVE

Other Relationships: is aware of everyone in arthur's social circle. knows matthew because of gilbert. knows antonio's inner circle but isn't their actual friend. is LOATHED by his next-door neighbor roderich.

Crush: are we still talking about this

Source of Embarrassment: that he chose his profession due to the fact that he's already resigned himself to a life sans marriage...he lives vicariously through his clients...

Source of Pride: has a really nice little townhouse. the rare financially literate millenial who has an ordinary job but managed to save up enough for a down payment on the mortgage.

Favorite Band: honestly he listens to like...french whatshername...zaz? it's pretty terrible. is one of those people who listens to classical music. also, train

Backstory: was born in marseille, france, and grew up there. didn't start learning english until his teenage years, so he's got a pretty thick accent. you get used to it. moved to the states in order to attend a prestigious fashion university, but realized after his acceptance that he had zero way of paying the tuition fees. he ended up going to a 'lesser' university, met arthur, the rest is history. his parents urge him to move back home before they die in order to take over their winery.