inferno de fccu

arthur kirkland

Aliases: old man, barren frigid nunnery

Gender: male

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: 8=✊=D💦

Age: 34

Birthdate: april 23rd, 1990

Occupation: middle school history teacher

z důvodu nedostatku dostupných fotografií jednotlivce byla zahrnuta popisná část.
Height: 173cm
Build: nothing to write home about
Skin Tone: pasty
Hair: blond
Eyes: green
Identifying Marks: prominent eyebrows

Appearance: would have been a twink ten years ago. evidently got all of his clothes from M&S blowout sale ten years ago as well.

Personality: snippy. a sentimental softie who's been going through a dry spell for too long, which burdens him greatly. drowns the burdens in alcohol. this solves nothing. is cranky as a result.

Motivations: avoid dying alone

Current Goal: hhhhhhhhhhhave sex with a mentally unstable young man.
Life Goal: get married before his mom passes away

Best Quality: remarkably earnest despite everything
Worst Quality: bitter, jealous, resentful

Fears: that he will die drunk and alone

Hobbies: drinking, watching the same 5 tv shows over and over, reading
Talents: media literacy, long-term recall
Skills: not killing the gaggle of twelve year olds who call him slurs

Family: has a younger sister. parents still married, both still alive.

Best Friends: francis and gilbert, by having been his college buddies. lukas, by having been the best roommate a guy could ever ask for...

Relationship Status: SINGLE
Significant Other: SEE ABOVE

Other Relationships: is aware of everyone in francis' circle. is on good terms with everyone in lukas' circle, but doesn't really hang out with them. on speaking terms with gilbert's crush.

Crush: gilbert's crush's brother, alf.

Source of Embarrassment: his drinking habit and the way he behaves whilst under the influence.

Source of Pride: his highly accurate miniature replica of the battle of normandy (don't ask him about it unless you really want to lock in for like 45 minutes)

Favorite Band: Oasis (don't mention be here now)

Backstory: was born in colchester, england, where the rest of his family still lives. he was the ambitious child. went to uni in the states, where he remains to this day, even though he hates it there. visits his family twice a year but it's not enough...he wants to go home...(well go then, i say. he always has an excuse. i think he's worried he wouldn't find friends if he left.)