inferno de fccu

alfred f. jones

Aliases: alf, maniac, alfred felon jones

Gender: male

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: like, by behavior he's bi. but in his own words i think he's straight

Age: 24

Birthdate: july 4th, 2000

Occupation: the grind never stops (has none)

z důvodu nedostatku dostupných fotografií jednotlivce byla zahrnuta popisná část.
Height: 185cm
Build: is naturally stocky/built but any actual musculature you see is something he made in the gym out of vanity. it'll go away soon.
Skin Tone: average white person pink
Hair: dirty blond
Eyes: blue
Identifying Marks: wears glasses, which doesn't fit with the rest of him. he's super near-sighted, so he's pretty useless without.

Appearance: handsome in a boyish, overgrown puppy sort of way. there are cues that something's off, though. like, he's pretty pallid and worn-out seeming for someone so chipper.

Personality: loose cannon. seems upbeat and fun and LOUD, like a frat boy type, but has a really unnerving impulsive streak. and a temper. lets just say he was NOT kind to animals as a child and should not under any circumstances be given the tools with which to set things on fire.

Motivations: live fast, die young

Current Goal: score some good tranq or fent and find someone to shoot his load in
Life Goal: get famous. doesn't matter how

Best Quality: tenacious
Worst Quality: absolutely unpredictable. no logic, cannot be reasoned with

Fears: being caged. being subordinate. not being able to stop. cryptids.

Hobbies: shooting things, speeding, substance abuse, arson, youtube
Talents: somehow manifests money
Skills: survival a la cockroach

Family: has an older brother. parents divorced, but both still alive. dad is in prison.

Best Friends: i GUESS his brother. he's really bad at keeping friends for obvious reasons. he gets along with kiku, which...oh thats not...

Relationship Status: SINGLE
Significant Other: SEE ABOVE

Other Relationships: is aware of everyone in matthew's circle. is on good terms with gilbert, the stalker. knows the shithouse.

Crush: dunno if he feels these emotions

Source of Embarrassment: not so much embarrassment as it is trauma dfghdfjkghfdgh don't ask him about his dad or his childhood.

Source of Pride: his. gun. collection.

Favorite Band: not a band, but kid rock

Backstory: was born in celeryville, ohio, which is a real place. due to his chaotic upbringing, ADHD, and diet of red 40, he was uncontrollable from a young age. never went to uni. ran away from home as a teenager and has lived fifteen different lives. none of them served a purpose other than to make him worse. has some bizarre, unstoppable ambition that propels him forward.